G4 super thin mouse
1:45 AM Posted In G4 super thin mouse 0 Comments »
Amnesia Beam
1:13 AM Posted In Amnesia Beam 0 Comments »A team of scientists from the United States and China announced last week that, for the first time, they had found a means of selectively and safely erasing memories in mice, using the signaling molecule αCaMKII. It's a big step forward, and one that will be of considerable interest to the military, which has devoted efforts to memory manipulation as a means of treating post-traumatic stress disorder. But some military research has moved in another direction entirely.
Wow, really? Who would have thought -- another direction entirely. Brainwashing anybody? I didn't really bother reading the rest of the article because I've been picking through my Halloween candy, but it said something about flashing lights and microwave exposure to the brain. Which can only mean one thing: how can I get the microwave to run with the door still open?
Mac triBook
7:06 AM Posted In Mac triBook 0 Comments »
This is a MacBook (Mac triBook) concept that has two additional fold-out screens for more desktop real estate. It also features a trackpad that stretches the entire length of the main console. Whee! Of course, it's just a concept, so you're probably thinking to yourself, "fuck, I could Photoshop some shit together and get it on Geekologie". And you know what? You include a nudey picture of your girlfriend and you just might. But seriously, nice try, but I've already designed something far superior. It's called the quadBook, and that bitch has THREE MORE screens that fold out. Suck it, Apple, your ass just got cored!
Timex Nail Watch
7:02 AM Posted In Timex Nail Watch 0 Comments »We have seen many different types of futuristic watches with strange shapes and design but none so unique as this. Now lets welcome the Nail watch, that can be worn on the thumb. You may have never seen a watch that can be worn on the thumb but times are going to change thanks to Timex. Timex, in collaboration with Core77, held a global design competition called 2154: the future of time design. So what we are seeing here is the TX54 concept which was a runner up there.
Thanks to a translucent body, the design blends seamlessly with the nail while a selection of text color options and a glow feature activating on command make it supremely functional as well. Press the end of your thumbnail, and the watch will light up for you. A perfect blend of appearance, user interface, and technology, the nail watch passes most standards of modern design with flying colors thanks to its functional and minimalist appeal. The watch looks stylish and chic and has a touch of Geeky style as well. The downside of this watch is that it is disposable. So with so many stylish watched being available now, it will be hard for it to survive in the market. Though it is quite innovative with a minimalist design, but it won't last long on your finger.
No details about the availability or the price of this watch has been released by Timex. But since it is tiny and disposable, I don't expect the price to be high.
World's Largest Cruise Ship Being Built
5:41 AM Posted In World's Largest Cruise Ship Being Built 0 Comments »
Royal Carribbean is having the world's largest cruise ship built for them, and it's gonna be ready to set sail next November. The Oasis of the Seas is being billed as a traveling city, and will include not one but TWO 24-hour buffets.
The liner will span 16 decks, encompass 220,000 gross registered tons (GRT), carry 5,400 guests and feature 2,700 staterooms.
Almost 1200 feet long, 154 foot wide and rising 213 feet above the water line, the Oasis of the Seas will be able to host 3,000 crew to service every passenger's need.Oasis of the Seas will be the first ship to tout the cruise line's new neighborhood concept of seven distinct themed areas, which include Central Park, Boardwalk, the Royal Promenade, the Pool and Sports Zone, Vitality at Sea Spa and Fitness Center, Entertainment Place and Youth Zone.
Remind you of anything? No? I'm talking about the Titanic. Remember that one? It too was touted as the latest and greatest in shipage, and we all know what happened to it. Yep, I think there's a definite lesson to be learned here. "Jack, I'm flying!"
Hit the jump for a bunch more pics, many in stunning rendered detail.
WTF!?: Crystal Embedded Contact Lenses
5:37 AM Posted In WTF: Crystal Embedded Contact Lenses 0 Comments »
encrusted around the edge. I've got to admit, this has got to be the most brilliant eye-care product I've seen since pepper spray. Seriously, what could go wrong? Well, besides looking sexy. I'm gonna make myself a pair, I'll let you know how scandalously super-sexified I look.
UPDATE: Okay, so I glued some glitter and broken glass onto my regular contacts. Here goes nothing!
UPDATEDER: Wow, good thing I can type without looking, because I can't see a thing. Seriously though, how long does it take to grow a new pair? Ha, I'm talking actual ball balls now, mistook the paper shredder for a commode.
Alien And UFOs Are Real -Apollo 14 Astronaut
4:52 AM Posted In Alien And UFOs Are Real -Apollo 14 Astronaut 0 Comments »
'I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,' Dr Mitchell said.'It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it.
Chillingly, he claimed our technology is 'not nearly as sophisticated' as theirs and "had they been hostile", he warned 'we would be been gone by now'.
An article, along with the whole 9:00 radio interview is posted after the jump if you're interested. But I'll say this: don't believe everything an astronaut tells you. Although he does admit that the majority of alien stories you hear are fake. Ha, reminds me of the time I stuffed a broken car antennae up my ass and called the local news.
Bat-Like Spy Plane
6:33 AM Posted In Bat-Like Spy Plane 0 Comments »
They will develop sensors, communication tools and batteries for this micro-aerial vehicle that's been dubbed "the bat." Engineers envision tiny cameras for stereo vision, an array of mini microphones that could home in on sounds from different directions, and small detectors for nuclear radiation and poisonous gases. Low-power miniaturized radar and a very sensitive navigation system would help the bat find its way at night. Energy scavenging from solar, wind, vibration and other sources would recharge the bat's lithium battery. The aircraft would use radio to send signals back to troops.
Awesome, I hope it actually happens. Otherwise that's a lot of money down the drain for a work bench covered with scrap metal and electronic parts. Say, does anybody know how I can score one of these $10 million Army grants? I've got a great idea for urban combat reconnaissance missions. It's called me in a trenchcoat with a spy camera bow-tie.
A closeup render of the bat's head area after the jump.
Pen Turns Your Writing Into Text Mesages
6:05 AM Posted In Pen Turns Your Writing Into Text Mesages 0 Comments »
Jet Wing: Not A Jetpack But I'll Still Take It
5:18 AM Posted In Jet Wing: Not A Jetpack But I'll Still Take It 0 Comments »
Research: Bacteria Capable Of Generating Electricity
11:02 PM Posted In Research: Bacteria Capable Of Generating Electricity 0 Comments »
The bacteria, Shewanella, are commonly found in water and soil and are of interest because they can convert simple organic compounds (such as lactic acid) into electricity, according to Daniel Bond and Jeffrey Gralnick, of the University of Minnesota’s BioTechnology Institute and department of microbiology, who led the research effort.
The discovery means Shewanella can produce more power simply by increased riboflavin levels. Also, the finding opens up multiple possibilities for innovations in renewable energy and environmental clean-up. The research is published in the March 3 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Wireless hub+watch
10:03 PM Posted In Wireless hub+watch 0 Comments »Eye Move PC
12:24 PM Posted In Eye Move PC 0 Comments »
The EyeMove PC combines the functionality of a digital projector and computer into one circular-shaped device. Simply hang it on your wall or place it flat on a desk and project games, movies, or applications. No word yet on on if this concept will go into production. With the wireless controller you can forget the old mouse, your keyboard, joystick, you have it all in one with a touch screen wireless controller
Watch + Mobile phone + DPA + PMP
11:10 AM Posted In Watch + Mobile phone + DPA + PMP 0 Comments »
It has an OLED display in the centre bounded by flexible and sensitive facets when pressing or moving, these facets are actually playing the role of the well known keys or buttons. So we have a completely ductile electronical device which can adapt at any of the owners desires. By choosing the right function of the menu, Connext becomes a computer, a multimedia player, a personal assistant, a mobile phone or a console for different games. Also to make it more handily, the gadget can easily become a simply watch by approaching it to your wrist.